Frans van der Kloet


Frans M. van der Kloet

Work address:

Group Biosystems Data Analysis, University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904, Room C2-205, 1098 XH, Amsterdam


Professional Career

Frans obtained his BSc at the Noordelijke Hogeschool (NHL) in Leeuwarden majoring in analytical chemistry. He continued his study to receive his MSc in Computational Chemistry at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. After several jobs in commercial companies (BrandmarC/TNO) he continued his academic career in 2009 and obtained his PhD in 2014 at the Leiden University on quantitative aspects in/of high resolution mass spectrometry data in metabolomics. In that same year he started as a post-doc at the BDA group working on aspects of multi-block/view solutions like JIVE, DISCO and OnPLS and incorporating these types of methods in the prediction/classification of in-vivo transcriptome data. After another PD position at the Amsterdam Medical Center he started as a data scientist in the BDA group in 2019.


Frans’ main interest is in (pre)processing of large data-sets (with a preference for high resolution mass spectrometry data) and the development and implementation of data-analysis and pre-processing tools which is often further complicated because of these large data sizes.

Current activities concern administration and implementation of a local Galaxy Server. Development of a database to store meta-data on samples (Metatree). Deployment of DL tools in the deconvolution of HRMS data.