Anna U.S. Heintz-Buschart
Work address:
Group Biosystems Data Analysis, University of Amsterdam
Science Park 904, 1098 XH, Amsterdam
Professional Career
Anna Heintz-Buschart studied biology and received her PhD in 2011 for molecular microbiology work on an opportunistically human-pathogenic fungus. Since then, she has gathered a broad expertise in microbiome research and bioinformatics on which she has co-authored 80 peer-reviewed publications. In her postdoctorial studies at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (2012-2017) she focused on multi-omics analysis of the gut and oral microbiome of infants and in non-communicable diseases, such as type 1 diabetes and Parkinson’s disease. From 2017 she ran the metagenomics support unit of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) and was engaged in interdisciplinary research projects, including on soil biodiversity, biodiversity-ecosystems function research, and the link between biodiversity and human health. Since joining SILS and UvA in 2021, she teaches bioinformatics, numerical ecology methods, and general data literacy and she performs research on connecting bioinformatic and statistical approaches for the integration of omics data from microbiomes and their hosts. She enjoys supervising MSc and Bsc internships on these topics and has so far acted as daily supervisor or co-supervisor for 11 PhD’s and Post-Docs.
Anna’s main research interest is in understanding the interactions within microbial communities and with their hosts. This research holds potential to explain the basis of diseases in humans, animals, and plants, to predict responses to environmental and lifestyle change, and to deliver innovative approaches for improving and maintaining quality of life. Microbiome research is an area where different experts meet, including microbiologists, ecologist, medical researchers, soil scientists, plant scientists, biotechnologists, bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, data scientists, and modelers. Anna’s research of is positioned at the interface of bioinformatics, data science, microbial ecology and physiology. Development and improvement of meta-omics bioinformatics and data analysis methods are central, as is the integration of different microbiome and host or environment data. The applications can be divided into three fields:
(i) plant-microbe interactions and soil microbiome: current examples include PhD projects on both pathogenic ( and mycorrhizal ( fungi, as well as cross-kingdom microbial interactions (
(ii) human microbiome: a focus is on the role of gut and oral microbiomes in health and disease (
(iii) wastewater treatment, trans-environmental microbiome research, and one-health: a current project is MicroHealth (, financed by a NWO KIC grant) on the connection between the impact of agriculture on the soil and plant quality/microbiome and the consequences for the health of humans. Anna is also involved in the Holomicrobiome Initiative ( and Institute (
Courses and topics
MSc Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (joint degree)
Biosystems Data Analysis: Micriobiome data analysis.
BSc Biologie
Ecogenomics: Data Analysis.
Keystone project III Big Data: Transcriptomics & Microbiome data analysis.
MSc Biomedical Sciences
Genomics: Metagenomics.
Transcriptomics: bulk RNAseq data analysis.
BSc Biomedische Wetenschappen
OMICS in de biomedische wetenschappen: Microbiome & Multi-omics integration, Miniscriptie BMW.
BSc Biological Sciences
Tools in Molecular Data Analysis: Transcriptomics & Microbiome data analysis.
I am happy to provide internships for BSc & MSc thesis in all the above study programs!